Housing buildings in Eilat

Advanced means of upgrading housing buildings in Eilat for the Amidar company - a unique national pilot project of the Ministry of Housing, through the Amidar company, to upgrade and rehabilitate residential neighborhoods according to advanced procedures and unconventional upgrade planning, with FRP sheets, yielding steel diagonals that prevent the need to upgrade the upper part of the building. The pilot included many tours in the field, comprehensive and advanced examinations of the existing situation, exposure of test drilling and is based on a survey of a local seismic site. The upgrade plan was tested in a non-linear material and time history analysis for 7 different earthquakes. The labor costs and the scope of the disruption to upgrade the building are significantly lower than projects done until now, despite the poor condition of the buildings, the scope of the structural upgrade required and the remote location in Eilat. The upgrade is being carried out on 3 railway buildings in Eilat and also includes a comprehensive restoration for structural wear and tear, renewal of the systems and facades.